Occupational Health and Safety Management Certification (OHSAS 18001)
This kind of certification is the image matter for the company as well as the basis for open sharing of information with customers and the global community about its intentions in the field of staff health and safety.
The standard is widely used around the world. Working Committee for the Development of OHSAS certification is represented by state certification bodies, regulatory authorities and experts in the field of occupational safety and health from the world.
Increasingly, professional negative impact on the state of health causes human suffering that further transforms to expenses for a company and the national economy. OHSAS 18001 uses global management experience in the field of occupational safety and health. This standard is focused on health and safety.
OHSAS 18001 standards can be applied by any organization, regardless of its field of activity. It is perfectly aligned with the standards of other management systems, including: ISO14001 and ISO9001.
The benefits of the introduction of the certification:
- Improve employees’ loyalty to the workplace;
- The systematic improvement of working conditions, the reduction of industrial injuries and occupational diseases;
- Significant reduction in the cost of insurance benefits;
- Competitive advantages while getting tenders;
- Positive impact on the image of your company;